This article will be about the anatomy of ageing, the science of respiration and the art of breath control. Breath is like a cord that ties our soul to the body and as we age, the stress on our respiration lets free radicals (molecules/atoms missing and electron) damage our health. Throughout our youth we take the natural ability of our body to repair & regenerate for granted and do little or nothing to keep the healthy & vital form of our body. By mastering the breathing process, we can control our metabolism which in turn reduces the leaping progress of ageing.
Ageing is a result of the oxygen absorption and carbohydrates consumption by the cells of our body. Oxygen being an extremely active element will combine with almost everything that it comes in contact with. It combines with carbon and hydrogen in carbohydrates, causing electron detonation in the mitochondria of all cells. This releases energy for functioning and produces carbon dioxide and water as a by-product. Even though presence of oxygen is vital for sustaining life, its presence in our body is the main cause of ageing induce by free radicals. Oxygen, if not used properly can rip off parts of our DNA, damage fatty tissues and cross link collagens thereby setting in degenerative diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, impotence, stroke, heart attack, cancer etc.
By applying the principles of yoga and breath control we can slow down our breath and heartbeat. These results in metabolism slowdown by reduce rate of cellular combustion and limits the quantity of free radicals in our body. Even though we don’t stop ageing completely, the rate reduces rapidly and life span increases. The success of breath control can be achieved through practice of pranayamas and meditation. By making ourselves the master of our emotions, we can get real permanent love, joy and freedom. One must seek guidance under a realised yogi who has mastered breath control. Even though there are other important aspects of yoga as love, devotion, tantra, bhakti, none are of as much pivotal significance as breath control. Most of the genuine yogis have mastery over breath control. Those who haven’t will most likely say it’s not important.
I have been practicing Kriya Yoga since last two years. Even though it takes a lot of practice and devotion to attain breath suspension, I experience breath suspension for brief periods after my practice and very slow rate of breathing thereafter. Before initiation into kriya Yoga, I suffered from stress induced auto immune disease, casing frequent allergic reactions in my body. The recurrence of allergic attacks have reduced and stopped completely. I feel younger, lighter and am able to pass through mental challenges at ease.
Mohul Dutta